
Your STILL Dealer in Slovenia

STILL provides tailor-made internal logistics solutions worldwide and provides smart networking solutions for forklift trucks and warehouse technology, software, services, and maintenance. The company—founded by Hans Still in 1920 with a great deal of creativity, entrepreneurial spirit, and quality—quickly developed into a world renowned and strong brand. Today, around 9000 qualified employees from Research and Development, Production, Sales and Service work to meet the requirements of customers all over the world.

STILL is part of the KION Group, which is the largest manufacturer of forklift trucks and warehouse trucks in Europe, measured by units. Within the KION Group, we are helping to shape the future together with our strong brands Linde, STILL and Dematic and represent the very best our industry has to offer. The KION Group is a global enterprise made up of more than 41,000 employees in more than 100 countries.

Our culture is shaped by the shared values of the KION Group: integrity, collaboration, courage, and excellence.


O nas

To, kar je leta 1920 ustanovitelj podjetja Hans začel z veliko ustvarjalnosti, podjetnega duha in kakovosti, se je razvilo v vodilnega dobavitelja za inteligentno kontrolo intralogistike.

Danes, po vsem svetu sodeluje približno 9.000 usposobljenih zaposlenih iz različnih področij: iz raziskav in razvoja, proizvodnje, trženja in storitev. To omogočajo naše vrednote STILL, ki so temelj našega delovanja: integriteta, sodelovanje, pogum in odličnost.

Ključ do uspeha podjetja so visoko učinkoviti izdelki, ki segajo od celovitih rešitev za posebne panoge, za velike in majhne operacije, vse do računalniških logističnih programov za učinkovito upravljanje skladišč in materialnih tokov.


STILL ima mednarodno prisotnost, zato je vedno v bližini, ko gre za servis, kakovost in hitro izvedbo visoko učinkovitih sistemov. Ne glede na to, ali gre za pravočasno zagotovitev nadomestnih delov ali hitro odpravljanje napak -kupci STILL so poplačani dnevno. STILL je prisoten po vsem svetu, poiščite svojo kontaktno osebo.


Naslov STILL Locations

Parkelj d.o.o.
Letališka 29
1000 Ljubljana

Telefon: +386 1 520 50 20
Telefax: +386 1 520 50 22

Email kontakt

Email: info@parkelj.si


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